If We'll Ever Be Okay Again

Ezrah, This is ridiculous. I miss you, and it goes without saying that Jude does too. I think he’s going a little mad, in fact. I went over to his place again today. He’s not doing any better, really. He drank two cups of coffee in an hour, and it took him twenty-seven minutes of me being there to just to say something. I know because I had nothing else to do but stare at the ticking clock. I think you should write to him. I love receiving your letters every week, Ezrah, but I think we both know that Jude needs them more. This has gone on long enough already. I ended up staying the night with him. He barely spoke, but at one point, he turned to me with this weird look on his face and said, “I was thinking I should visit him, but I wouldn’t know what to say.” I told him that if he did visit you, I would go with him and we could figure it all out together. He said he would think about it, but sort of withdrew into himself again after that. Here’s the thing, Ezrah, and I thin...